Anne Arundel County Chapter of
The Bereaved Parents of the USA

Credo of the Bereaved Parents of the USA

We are the parents whose children have died.
We are the grandparents who have buried grandchildren.
We are the siblings whose brothers and sisters no longer walk with us through life.
We come together as Bereaved Parents of the USA to provide a haven
where all bereaved families can meet and share our long and arduous grief journeys.
We attend monthly gatherings whenever we can and for as long as we believe necessary.
We share our fears, confusion, anger, guilt, frustrations, emptiness and
feelings of hopelessness so that hope can be found anew.
As we accept, support, comfort and encourage each other,
we demonstrate to each other that survival is possible.
Together we celebrate the lives of our children,
share the joys and triumphs as well as the love that will never fade.
Together we learn how little it matters where we live,
what our color or our affluence is or what faith we uphold
as we confront the tragedies of our children's deaths.
Together, strengthened by the bonds we forge at our gatherings,
we offer what we have learned to each other and
to every more recently bereaved family.
We are the Bereaved Parents of the USA.

We welcome you.

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